Saturday, 26 March 2011

She moves! She moves!

Excited and inspired after seeing Lei Lou collection for Fall/Winter 2011/12 on the runway. I was looking forward to see the result of the photo shoot done by amazing Croatian photographer Mare Milin who I once had the opportunity to work with and was really impressed with her creativity and professionalism, styled by Alex Dojčinović and modeled by versatile and gorgeous Maja Bokan. 

Alex only told me the shoot is going be about movement and I did expected some gorgeous one shoulder dresses floating romantically in the space, but I was really impressed how nicely put together were daily and business looks which surely I know by now, take you from the office straight to the dance floor with adding some sparkly jewelry pieces. 

E-mail to order any of the dresses or purses here or by clicking on the button on the right side of my blog. 

Other then the quality of Lei Lou pieces another thing I can guarantee on it that they never go unnoticed wherever and whenever you shall where them.

Enjoy lovelies! 

"Fashion is so close in revealing a person's inner feelings and everybody seems to hate to lay claim to vanity so people tend to push it away. It's really too close to the quick of the soul."

~Stella Blum~



  1. obožavam lei lou, a torbe su mi osobito drage. <3

  2. Ahh i ja :) Za torbe ima lista čekanja, al se isplati čekati! Haljine su predivne, imam ih nekoliko i gdje god ih nosim ljudi me zaustavljaju i pitaju gdje sam ih kupila.

  3. da, čula sam za tu listu, ali definitivno se isplati čekati takve ljepotice! <3
    vau, zavidim ti na haljinama... :-)

  4. Ova tamno plava haljina je preeekrasna. Pratimo :) M.
