Saturday, 22 September 2012

Birthday week in a review...

This week was my birthday but due to my move to Budapest next week and trip to Barcelona I really didn't have time to celebrate as I had a lot of meetings and tasks to complete at work while later at home I had a bunch of imigration paperwork to fill and lots of packing to do. My boyfriend called me a minute after mindnight on Wednesday to cogratulate me by singing happy birthday song in Spanish, my mum made two cheesecakes and fresh pastries for my work collegues and I got some amazing surprise flowers delivered to my office.

My posts this week were the backstage view at Ralph Lauren's gorgeous SS 2013. show inspired by Spanish culture, colors and sounds. Later in the week I posted about trend I really like which is wearing a paper thin, soft leather t-shirt with pencil skirts and work pants, in Croatia I suggested such t-shirts from MoodyTwin brand which you can also order online.

Yesterday, I wrote about Red Bull Catwalk Studio - a project supporting young, urban but also extravagant designers such as Lady Gaga's favorite Fred Butler who colaborated with music producer Two Inch Punch for her SS 2013. presentation film staying true to Red Bull's combination of urban music and fashion style.

Understanding the schedule of young, successful urban man and women Red Bull also offered me a giveaway (Zagreb, Croatia exclusive) where they you can win cold Red Bull Sugarfree delivered for you and your collegues next week & give you wings and energy to survive next working week. ENTER RED BULL GIVEAWAY HERE.

As colaborator of portal I have prepared Fall wellcoming Weekend Stylebook for your inspiration with leather t-shirt as a key item.

I also redesigned my inspirational Tumblr blog this week, so give it a peek if you will ;)

Last night my friend Antonija and I closed the week with attending workshop on athletes nutrition at a very stylish venue in Zagreb. I was quite interested in attending as I really want to learn how to cook and eat healthy, and I also have an ahtlete boyfriend so I wanted to learn how to cook for him as well.

How did you spend your week lovelies?


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