Sunday, 28 August 2011

Ups...I am in love.

I had an hour long PMSal conversation with my boyfriend last night, who although at moments losing his patience trying to find a solution or a point of the discussion we were having, he listened to me patiently, kindly and lovingly.

     Indeed, I had a point in mind, I knew what I wanted to tell him but I was terrified of what his response might be so I talked and talked and talked about everything else, none of which actually bothered me, all while trying to find a courage and a right way to tell him that I am totally falling in love with him and in a way looking for his  It's ok, I won't hurt you and lie to you, it’s safe to love me“  reassurance.

I know, this might seem naive from my side and impossible to guarantee from his side, but you see, I have been in relationships before with good guys, bad guys, cowardly guys, loving guys and athlete guys...but this time it feels different. He is different. I look into his eyes and I know that he has good morals, he stands firm on the ground, he means well, what he is telling me is the honest truth, he is young but he acts with an integrity of a strong, well raised gentleman and he really does care for me.
Is he a perfect man? Not at all. But he is not running away from problems, relationship talks and PMSal drama conversations – he stays and he listens, my weaknesses are his strengths, he makes me a better person.

What I am asking from him is an emotional security and loving support, in return he asks me to give him a reality check when he needs it and to give him an unconditional support with all that he does. Fair enough, cause at the end - these are the things that are priceless. 
  Passion and attraction come and go periodically through relationship, material things (presents, clothes, car, apartment...) are an instant happiness fix which quickly wares off, all of these material things need to be replaced sooner or later, while friendship and true values remain to be the thing we look for from our partner when we are at our lowest.
As this special person we love fits in between friends and family on our priority list - we choose who it is freely and are connected with more than just a platonic friendship. Cherish such person if you have him/her in your life, as these days – such people are trully hard to find.



  1. It looks like you really like him... :)
    It's nice to have someone special!

  2. Predivno!
    Predivno je gledati kako se mijenjaš...

  3. Thank you ladies. :)
    Mijenjam se...samo se nadam da necu previsoko poletit....da jako ne pljusnem. ;)

    La Kat

  4. You are a very special women.I hope he makes you happy and I hope he loves you as much as you deserve, because you deserve the best.


  5. super super blog! drago mi je da sam naišla na njega - zahvaljujući ženskom rokovniku!
    super! sviđa mi se sve, od dizajna do sadržaja! danas ću mu se baš malo posvetit i čitat! :)
    p.s. i hvala na super linkovima!!

  6. Draga kikie,

    Puno hvala na lijepim rijecima :)
    Nastavi pratiti blog jer se igramo i super nagradne igre, biti ce rokovnici, nakit, odjeca :)

    La Kat

  7. I hope I'll be able to speak this way one day

  8. I hope I'll be able to speak this way one day
