Thursday, 18 August 2011

Wrap it your way!

Some of you might remember, some time ago I wrote a post: So many hats and only one head!  where I also talked about head wraps and turbans, as this is a piece of a head turning accessory which I personally really like to wear because I believe it brings instant glam to any look and it gives a girl that rather sophisticated, exotic and glamorous feel, for last couple of seasons designers, editors and stylists adore head covers!

 Ok, I would not recommend it to shy girls who do not like to stand out, but I promise to all of you who like fashion & experimenting with different looks, no matter on how your daily routine looks like, you will be able to get an inspiration and learn how to wrap it while reading this post. J

Regardless what kind of a hair day you are having or what your hair type might be I recommend you to definitely try it. For the night on the town I would go with black turban with maybe a brooch for more classic look or a colorful and more comprehensive turban wrap with more fabric if you are wearing a one color outfit.
Here is a simple Fashionata’s tutorial where I learned how to wrap a head scarf to wear as a hair accessory during a working day or a day in school:

For more comprehensive turban wrap, check out video tutorial bellow:

How do you like it? Is wearing a head scarf or turban something you would try?

In fashion, you know you have succeeded when there is an element of upset.
~Coco Chanel~



  1. volim marme na glavi u svim varijantama.. i odlično su riješenje za bad hair days :D hvala na komentaru, pratim te!

  2. Slažem se, fora su kao modni detalj, ali i veoma praktične u isto vrijeme! tnx na komentaru, follow you :))))

  3. Hvala Emina :) Ja sam ih počela nositi i bez obzira na bad hair days, ali sam primjetila da se ljudi okrecu pogotovo kad zamotam maramu kao turban i obucem na pencil skirt ili uzu ala Audrey haljinu. Dakle turban look nije za sramezljive, tj. ovisno o tome u kojoj zemlji zive ;)

    La Kat

  4. Hvala ti Gear :) Vidim da volimo iste stvari: Maxi skirts, scull head marame i rozu boju, lijepo cemo se slagati hehe :)

    La Kat

  5. I've been looking for this way, thank you!
