Photo source: D&G look from FW 2012. show
"Always wear your invisible crown!"
Not that my work wee wasn't super exhausting, but then I finally get everything done by ten o'clock Friday night and start typing up one of my blog post, being my usual ADD (attention deficit) self, two minutes later I end up reading an article on Mashable saying that only 9% of people actually get to work in a profession which they dreamed about when they were little.
Ugh...thanks Mashable,'real inspiring', just what I needed on Friday night.
A minute later, my hyper, at times slightly ghetto self said - "No,no, can't do!" I'll find a way to become a princess, meaning to wear a crown, daily, again (I did it as a child and then they made me take it off when I started going to school) without getting myself fired or ending up in mental institution.
So I said to myself...tone it down just a bit Katarina, maybe I shouldn't go for full blown Miss America tiara cause then I have to do that elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist wave whenever I see someone I know and in the P&G office in Hungary that might look just a tad unnatural.
Second best option for me was to consult Vogue. See, Vogue is like fashionistas google, it knows everything! So I did. My compromise solution is to start wearing this lovely, trendy and OH so chic head accessory just like they showed it on runway this season!
Photo: Rodarte FW 2012.
Photo: D&G FW 2012.
Photo: Chanel preFall 2012.
Photo: Oscar de la Renta FW 2012.
Photo: Oscar de la Renta FW 2012.
Come on, admit it! What did you wanted to become when you were little lovelies?
Did you give up on your dream already?
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