The other day, rather late in the evening when I finished responding to all of the work emails, done my house choirs, walked Papi and did my daily pampering routine after quit an exhausting Monday I got a lovely email from Butterfly Twist team which definitely brought a smile to my face in an instant. They wanted to introduce their brand to me and as soon as I saw their product I looked over the screen of my laptop at my toes, wiggled a bit and thought to my self "What a neat idea! I need these in my life!"
Then, I thought about you ladies, my readers, fabulous working women from all over the world running around in heels all day, maybe just like me, from meeting to meeting, from taxi to plane, at home and at the office - we working ladies, we never stop. So...why not give some fabulous rest to our busy feet?
I talked to the Butterfly Twist team to find out what is so special about these fabulous ballerinas!
Cream quilted Oliva - my favorite pair! So Chanelish!
How did you come up with the idea to launch Butterfly Twists?
It was actually a funny way they came about! 4 guys started it in London! College friends Emmanuel, Frank, Mark and Philippe, came up with a unique fashion-forward idea after one of them (who shall remain nameless!) literally knew what it felt like to be in a woman’s shoes after losing a bet and attending a party wearing a pair of 6 inch stilettos! A long bight of discomfort, for the unfortunate one wearing heels, prompted them to come up with an idea to end high-heel suffering for women.
Butterfly Twists since won UKFT award (United Kingdom Fashion Textile) and are sold in over 30 countries and continue to grow internationally in all kind of stores from Asos to Topshop and Selfridges&Co.
Who is your target customer?
Our ideal customer is the girl that loves to wear heels but also loves the idea of fashionable comfort and needs it because she is always on the go. The Butterfly Twists girl is a social butterfly that loves fashion, travel, nightlife, and being adventurous not to mention head-to-toe in style wherever she goes, that's why she needs her Butterfly Twists. They take her everywhere she needs to be.
We provide a chic comfort to some famous feet as well like: Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, Hale Berry, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, Cameron Diaz etc.
How did you manage to produce such a useful, good quality product for such an affordable price?
It was definitely no easy task. A lot of time and research went into finding the right resources that would bring quality, style and comfort into a foldable ballerina at the right price. It's easy to source the most expensive materials and offer a high priced shoe; it is much more difficult to make an affordable shoe with all the high quality attributes that a high-priced shoe has, but that is what makes Butterfly Twists stand out. We are here to provide a product that is exceptional in every way. From price to fit to comfort.
What are your plans for the future in terms of brand expansion and development?
We have a few new products that we are launching and are very excited about! Coming soon for SS13 are foldable flip flops! We will continue to expand by bringing women's favourite, go-to products with a twist.
Did you had a chance to check out Butterfly Twists website? Which model is your favorite?
Mine is definitely Cream quilted Oliva but I got my eye on couple other ones as well!
Follow my blog's Facebook page and Butterfy Twists Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest pages for upcoming surprises ;)
They look fantastic :) Want it!
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