Sunday 4 September 2011

90's are back - yea or nah?

What do you expect to see on runways this month ladies?

If we look at the pattern of fashion’s recycling trends and the trans collections after previous fashion week, discussion based on Karl Lagerfeld’s visionary observation discussed in my post from from some months ago “The future of fashion is 6 months” is becoming true.

I guess 90’s are in order! I must admit I have fear of trashy nineties trends and seeing those “fashion victims/blind trends followers” wearing “nothing with nothing” styled outfits complimented with mullets, ouu Gosh no!

Anyways, here are some emerging trends, I am interested to hear how do you feel about them and if you will pass or follow. What are your picks lovelies?
I guess all of you Samantha’s out there will rather enjoy it, Donatella should rule it! ;)



  1. ja kazem nah, al ko me slusa :)))

  2. Slazem se Jelena, to je bio horror fashion :)

  3. Uh! Nah!;)
    U pravu si, horror fashion...:D

  4. Slavice, samo se molim da na ulici ne vidim futbalerku ili Marge Bundly look-alike ;)

  5. Thanks Monique, you know I am a big fan of yours!
