Thursday 12 April 2012

DIY: Shabby chic fruit stand

Couple of months back when it was still quit cold, early on a Sunday, morning my friend Iva (La Passionpour la Fashion book club member) was kind enough to go to vintage market Hrelić with me. As you might remember from my previous post, this was where I got a fruit/cookies shabby chic stand for only about $6. It was rustic green and it needed some refurbishing.

I finally got to work on it few days ago, but it wasn’t as easy as it seems, first I needed to strengthen it as it was a bit shaky and I wanted it to be able to hold fruit on both top and bottom. Then I went to the largest hobby store to get white color paint and brushes. However, the color wasn’t holding all that well, it was not thick enough, so my friend Iva again came to rescue, she gave me her mum’s craft paint which was an off-white color but there wasn’t enough there for two layers. 

Soo…my friend Anita came and we talked about how it is pity that I still haven’t gotten to refurbishing this lovely vintage fruit stand, so we went through my closet with supplies and decided I shall use the thick white paint which also contains polish in it, and which is usually used on heaters, and surprise, surprise! – It worked! J

One layer of paint was enough; I did some spot touchups and voila! Done!

p.s. Ok, I’ll be completely honest, I totally ruined my manicure twice during this DIY project cause there was a hole in my rubber gloves which I didn’t notice on time, so basically I paid a lot for this vintage fruit stand but I think it was worth of it J 

I can hold fruit or macaroons which I adore on it! Here is a good recipe for macaroons ;)


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