Thursday 13 October 2011

Fabulously busy? there is a planner for that!

“He who fails to plan, plans to fail”

If you are like me, super hyper, multitasking, 24/7 working women, who when stressed tends to forget some of the appointments if I don't write them down, you will love to have one of these diva compatible and absolutely fashionably adorable, stylish and trendy girls only planners created by women for women.

The great thing about these planners is that they are getting updated yearly based on the feedbacks given by ladies who used them, they follow the newest trends in graphic design (last year it was pop-art styled while this year’s collection is retro minimalistic).

 So, 2012. Female planner (in Croatian language) is completely customized to be used by fabulously successful women!

- Size and format are adjusted to fit into female purse
- Side rubber band is added for more compacted fold
- Number of notes pages is increased
- There are 8 different cover designs to choose from
- The number of planner pages has been slightly increased
 - Planner has a built in hand mirror
- It contains categories interested to women: movies and books you plan to watch and read, list for special occasions, shopping list for fall/winter season, vacation check list, household budget tracking page
- One Sunday of each month is marked with pink ribbon (as a breast self check reminder)
- It has attached self breast check instructions

These fabulous planners are available for purchase via:

The price of one is only 79 HRK or 10 Euros. 

How do you like them lovelies?
Stay tuned because soon there will be a available through giveaway!

“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.” 

Thomas Alva Edison



  1. Jedva čekam sastaviti svoju prvu listu unutra :)

  2. Imala sam ga 2010 i bio mi je odličan, ali onaj od 2011 mi se nije sviđao, al zaboravila sam zašto... ovi novi mi izgledaju sjajno izvana pa ću definitivno baciti pogled :)

  3. prijevod na engleski sadrzi neke toliko banalne greske tipa "on croatian language" - dislike

  4. Dear hater,

    Bonton nalaže da se potpiše kako bih znala s kime pričam. Moj blog. My rules. Stisni crveni križić u desnom kutu.


  5. ajme super su! :) baš ću se prošetati do Avenue Mall-a kad će biti! thnx na info! :)

  6. hehehe ovo se bas lepo uklapa u moj papir ili laptop post
    obozavam lepe planere :)

  7. Martina i Jelena,

    Hvala vam na komentarima.
    Obavezno pratite blog da stignete sudjelovati u skoroj nagradnoj igri :) Mozda osvojite jedan od ovih predivnih planera.


    La Kat
