Tuesday 18 October 2011

Responsible fashion by Vuesociety!

Ladies, I have discovered and decided to share a fellow blogger success story!
Vuesociety is an online boutique recently founded by a former blogger Rachel Kim, who converted her blog into an online boutique, as the first Bellevue fashion voice for the greater Seattle area.

Vuesociety sells curated fashion pieces by Boulee, Again, StyleStalker and other internationally imported designer brands (dresses, jackets, tops, bottoms, and accessories priced at $25 to $300) for women and shortly will expand to men’s fashion as well.  VueSociety specialty is carrying styles that local brick and mortar fashion retailers do not offer.

My favorite part, which is specially hard to do in today’s economy is that although young business which still needs to reach continues profitability model Vuesociety has jumped head in from the start into socially responsible business practice and it has teamed up with Bellevue based non-profit organization, Washington Women In Need (WWIN) by donating a proceed of all sales (5% of each piece sold).

You can check out Vuesociety on their website/Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/Tumblr

"It's not that successful people are givers; it is that givers are successful people."  

~Patti Thor~



  1. thats amazing! what a great story! i sometimes think that i would want to have a fashion store, but then I realize I'm totally in love with doing hair as it is! anywho- happy wednesday!

    sharde @ the style projects

  2. Thanks for your comment Sharde, I am right there with you, working on something as we speak but not a seperate site, hopefuly will work :)

    La Kat

  3. uvek volim da procitam pricu o blogeru koji je iskocio iz te etikete i prosirio polje delovanja :)
    sjajno :)

  4. Jelena, slazem se :) Jako hrabro i kreativno, posebno za DC koji nije bas naj fashion grad na svijetu :)

  5. super stvar, idem klikat da vidim kaj nude. hint. trese me šopingholija :)))

  6. Hehe :) Astrid pogledaj si i u desnoj kolumni pod websites listu, to su ti moje naj stranice za shopping :) Shop on!

    La Kat
