Sunday 23 October 2011

"I Heart New York" by Lindsey Kelk {book review}

“I waved down a lit cab. He swerved dramatically towards me and stopped inches from my Louboutins. Shoe-icide, a fate worse than death”
Lindsey Kelk, I Heart New York

This is the last book review I am going to write on my own as the next ones will probably be more fun as they will feature views and opinions of seven very different ladies of La Passion pour la Fashion bookclub, which I am very much looking forward to.

        I think such reviews will give you more detailed and more objective perspective then mine alone, so you will be in a better position to decide if you as well might want to read the book we are reviewing.

It is funny that I got this book from my boyfriend because although he lives in Spain, and doesn’t mind traveling and living in different countries as it is the part of his job description he is not at all keen of living in US. 
        However he knows how much living and working in NYC has impacted and shaped me as a person I am and he knows what I feel for this grand City so he after all (based on pretty pink girly covers and short resume on the back) picked up this book for me, he guessed right, I loved it!

Other than being quite easy to read as most of the chic-lit books the way Lindsey Kelk writes is so so funny that I was definitely laughing out loud in public transportation and at home while reading it (at home this looks much less awkward obviously).

The story revolves around fabulous British girl Angela who gets cheated on by her cowardly husband to be – but obviously it won’t happen after all, not to mention that her best friend knew about it all along so she does something unthinkable – runs away from the whole situation or does she actually takes some space to look at the whole situation from the different perspective, to finally start the life she wants and deserves? 
This is for you to decide once you read it J

I will share with you two thoughts I took away from the book which spoke to me and which I found particularly to be truthful as I myself have experienced something similar but in reverse order, NYC to Zagreb.

1.   You don’t go to New York to become a better you, you go there to find a new you, the City does changes you forever.

“People go to LA to "find themselves", 
they come to New York to become someone new.”

Lindsey Kelk, I Heart New York

2.   Shopping cannot heal the broken heart. Shopping will get you things to make you look better, looking better will help you feel better about the way you look but until you learn how to really love and care about yourself you will not be able to love another person.

“A break up is the closest thing to bereavement”
Lindsey Kelk, I Heart New York

My story which frightfully so matches the Angela’s, you can read through in my older posts:

Other than being absolutely hilarious read, I would recommend this book to any girl who is going through tough time in life, be it in love or work, it will definitely inspire and encourage you! 

Also, at the very end of the book you can find wonderful (and based on my experience living in NYC very true) recommendations of best places to visit, where to eat and in which hotels to stay while visiting.

You can buy this amazing book in few clicks for very little money in La Passion pour la Fashion bookstore.

“If you didn't feel like your support system was strong enough, then getting yourself out of the situation was the best thing to do.”
Lindsey Kelk, I Heart New York



  1. Thank you for sharing this book! As someone who wants to move to NY one day, it is so helpful! xoxoxoo

  2. Hey therem you have a super great Blog.

    I invite you to check out also mine :) Would be happy to have you as a visitor on the Blog.

    Thank you! Happy Week. SH

  3. Just let me know if you need more tips, I can share via email, I know New York quite well by now. :)

    Thank you for your lovely comment!

  4. Dear SH - thank you for kind words :)
    I adore photographs on your blogs!

  5. Lovely blog! Great photos! Check out my blog and follow if you like! I'll follow yours back!

  6. heheh citala sam je letos na plazi posto sam se tek vratila iz NY
    bilo je skroz skeri, glavna junjakinja ima godina koliko i ja, radi posao koji ja imam, ima iste ciljeve i dobije onu tiffany olovku o.O
    smejala sam se kao luda, i na kraju reko vidi neko napisao moju knjigu pre mene ;)))

  7. Hahaha Jelena :) Mozes misliti koliko je meni bilo scarry, zalazila sam u Max & Brenner, zivjela tamo yayksss... :)
