Friday 11 November 2011

Put your best paw forward!

“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. “
Ben Williams

Who ever said having a dog is nothing like having a child is ooouu so mistaken.  As you might remember from one of my previousposts, I have a very special now 6,5 months old dog Papi.
Papi and I are going through various stages of his early doghood. From the very beginning he learned that touching my shoes and clothes is strictly forbidden, as he got his behind whooped with newspaper when he did it. 

Much harder thing for him to accept was my packed work schedule so he got quite mad when he had to stay home alone for long hours, he got to mad that he decided to make a point by eating my vanilla candles, all of the buttons on my pillows and bed cover, peeing on my bed mattress if I left him alone during evening hours without a light on. 
"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either."

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

Josh Billings

Obviously, I had to adjust my work schedule to accommodate Papi’s needs to I started leaving work early (5pm) and going home to feed him and take him out and then continued to work from home.

“The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's.”
 Mark Twain

“A dog can express more with his tail in seconds
than his owner can express with his tongue in hours. “
Author Unknown

“My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet.”
Edith Wharton

“My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.”
Author Unknown

“If you don't own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.”
 Roger Caras

    Also, he went through various stages of running like he has two legs only, simultaneously jumping around “rabbit style”, being afraid of men with beard and mustaches, taking wooden branches he finds outside home and hiding them under my bed, up to now when he is a bit older to running like he is three legged, two front legs each on its own and then two back legs together and he stopped ruining my apartment under condition that he gets some sweets each morning and a bone to keep him busy, his current thing is that he plays scared of stepping down the street curb, he starts wining and bends down as he is about jump of the cliff (this last for like 10 seconds) and he just continues to walk.

"In a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog."

“Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.”
 Emily Dickinson

From the very start Papi made a point he is not a circus dog and he will not sit and lie down or do tricks. He will do it only to get a cookie or to imitate what you are doing so my boyfriend has taught him to together lay on the floor and play dead and my friend Iva taught him to jump on people with no reason at all. There, he knows some tricks.

“Dogs never bite me. Just humans.”
Marilyn Monroe

"Dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way."

the character Jules in Pulp Fiction

Papi and I have our own little routines, in the morning he needs few minutes of cuddling, when I drink coffee he eats his breakfast, I brush his hair and then he plays with his buddy Max at 8am, I go to work and he does God knows what for eight hours, their second play date is around 11pm. During weekends he plays with Cesar each Saturday morning at 10am while Sundays we go to Dog Park close to our house for few hours of play.

Do you have any interesting routines to share you do with your pet?



  1. Beautiful post :) I have 3 dogs, and I can't imagine y life without them :)

  2. Thank you darling! I have to admit that I am learning about dogs as I go, but he is indeed like child to me :)

    La Kat

  3. Uvijek sam htjela psa, ali radim posao u kojem nemam radno vrijeme, a i često putujem pa bi mi bilo žao da me čeka cijeli dan sam doma, a i teško je naći nekoga tko bi imao vremena voditi brigu o mom psu. Zato imam mačka koji samoću koristi za cijelodnevno spavanje. I sad ležim na kauču, komp na stoliću ispred mene, a mazno mače cijelom dužinom ispruženo preko mene prede :) Životinje čine život bogatijim i ne mogu se više sjetiti kako sam uopće živjela bez mog mačeta. Još da mi je i psa imati, to bi bilo savršeno :)

  4. Hvala ti na komentaru draga. Tvoj komentar me podsjetio na prijateljicu Antoniju koja isto tako prica o svom macku :) Znas kako se kaze, psi primaju naredbe a macke daju :)

  5. <3 Hrv. ovčar - Jackie, i Franc. buldog - Clia <3 Love them

  6. Moj psić me toliko oduševljava i unijela je toliko sreće i veselja u moj život. Kad sam umorna, dođem s posla, ništ mi se ne da ili me nešto boli - nema šanse da prođem bez jednog širokog osmijeha. <3

  7. @medoKartonski - svaka cast na strpljenju za dva psica :)
    @Martina - koliko god da mi je Papi toga unistio, kad mi slozi onu nevinu facu prodje me bijes :)

  8. Ja obožavam svoja dva peseka..Druga curka nas je se razbudila i uvela neke novosti u naše živote.. Tako da je naša nova tjedna rutina - Japetić nedjeljom. Preko četiri sata jurcanja do vrha i nazad je sasvim dovoljno da Luna prespava cijelo popodne i veći dio ponedjeljka.

  9. Hvala Dijana, kažem ja...dok mi Papi ispija živce cviljenjem. Sada je u pubertetu i treba puno pažnje i više energije no što ja trenutno imam :)
